∂ π most high-speed modems. The 'Adjust BPS after connect' option is not recommended for Ensure you are using an appropriate cable. BulkRate requires hardware handshaking at speeds greater than 9600. Choose a service file to open: SETTSET2FCsf Find what? Cancel it, or wait until it completes. There is a mail exchange is progress. Copy of Choose a mailbox or text file: You must cancel it before you can open another script. An exchange script is currently running. Where is the help file? BulkRate help true BulkRate archive - Outgoing mail Save converted archive as: BulkRate archive - Incoming mail Cancelling execution. There are no valid BBS names in the exchange list. Cancelling... ••ERROR: Exchange cancelled by user. ••ERROR: Modem will not reset. Turn it off, then back on. The modem has failed to reset. ••ERROR: Disk full error while writing incoming mail. No more messages could be read because this disk is full. ••ERROR: Timeout while waiting for message. A timeout error occurred while waiting for a message. ••ERROR: Timeout while waiting for message list. A timeout error occurred while waiting for a message list. ••ERROR: Timeout while waiting for conference list. A timeout error occurred while waiting for a conference list. ••ERROR: Disk full error. Exchange cancelled because this disk is full. ••ERROR: Cannot confirm message was sent. A timeout occurred while waiting for message sent confirmation. ••ERROR: No message editor prompt. (Message editor start prompt.) A timeout occurred while waiting for '[More]' prompt. ••ERROR: Timeout on 'Subject:' prompt. A timeout occurred while waiting for 'Subject:' prompt. ••ERROR: Timeout on 'cc:' prompt. A timeout occurred while waiting for 'cc:' prompt. ••ERROR: Timeout on 'To:' prompt. A timeout occurred while waiting for 'To:' prompt. ••ERROR: Command line interface logons disabled. Command line interface logons appear to be disabled on ••ERROR: Daily time limit exceeded. You have used up your daily time limit on ••ERROR: Already logged on. thinks you are already logged on. The service ••ERROR: Bad password or UserID. The UserID or password seem to be invalid. Check the UserID and password in the Service window. ••ERROR: Log on trouble - unknown reason. BulkRate could not log on for an unknown reason. ••ERROR: Bad UserID. The UserID appears to be invalid. Check the UserID and password in Service. ••ERROR: No logon request from host. Did not receive a log-on request from the host BBS. ••ERROR: BBS does not support CLUI. Contact the BBS administrator for assistance. This BBS does not appear to support the Command Line Interface. ••ERROR: Host is not a FirstClass BBS. Check the BBS phone number. Host does not appear to be a FirstClass BBS. ••ERROR: Logon script timeout: Waiting for: Timeout in logon script: Turn it OFF and then back ON. The modem appears to be locked up. ••ERROR: Logon script error: Error in logon script: ••ERROR: Connection not established. Connection not established. Connected to: Connection status: Opening TCP/IP connection... ••ERROR: does not have a DNS entry. ••ERROR: No response from Domain Name Server. No response from Domain Name Server. •••IP address: ••ERROR: TCP error: TCP error: Looking up hostname... ••ERROR: Error initializing TCP/IP driver. Error initializing TCP/IP driver. Bad service file or filename. Reading service file: File: Disk error: Hold message Delete message Mark for delete Delete Print selected messages... Print... Archive message... Archive selection... Save as... Save copy as... Save as text... by BBS by Conference / Attached files: Subject: cc: To: Host name: ... of message Processing page Printing page Couldn't shrink log because of disk error: BR temp file BulkRate log That file is not of the right type to append this message. That file is not of the right type to append the selected messages. outgoing mailbox incoming mailbox You cannot append to the same file. TEXT Choose a mailbox or archive to append to: Archive this message as: You must close this file before writing over it. You cannot archive to the same file. Untitled archive Archive selected messages as: An error occurred while creating temp file: An error occurred while compacting this file: BulkRate temp outgoing - An error occurred while creating file: All messages were left unchanged. An error occurred while copying file info: TEXTBulK because it couldn't be opened. because of a disk error of type: Could not copy Choose an file to attach: closing Retrieve the following file(s): Attached to this message: Uploaded File Attached files: Fwd: You can't reply to this message because it was created by BulkRate. wrote: at On , on In message ID Message-ID: , From host: Re: ) Re(2): Copies: To: Copies: From: To: Posted to conference: > < ( BulkRate incoming mailbox untitled outgoing BulkRate outgoing mailbox TEXTBulK BulkRate is running low on memory. Try closing a few windows. Couldn't build this list. Must be out of memory. messages MailBox z Fwd: Re( Re: cc: To: Host name: TEXTttxt Save text as: untitled Copy of BulkRate log Subject: Hold message ! Delete message Out of memory! BulkRate download manager File retrieval request † @ * # : PM was successfully sent. ••Message subject: Message sent. now? x It may no longer exist in the same folder, or it may be in use. ' could not be uploaded. ! Bad filename, send aborted. n Uploading attached file(s)... y ? No •••Couldn't locate file: •••End of file list. Timeout waiting for ACK. •••Timeout waiting for ACK •••Got other: ' Block not acknowledged. •••Got NAK: Transfer complete. •••Successful transfer •••Got ACK Sending block: •••Got start NAK: Waiting for start signal from host... The message itself and other attached files may or may not have been sent successfully. The upload was cancelled due to errors or by the user. ' was not uploaded. The file ' •••Sent EOT Size: •••Sent block bytes. •••Received •••Timed out on receipt of block. •••Blocks out of sync, aborting ; sending ACK •••Duplicate block was bad; sending NAK •••Good block, sending ACK received. Size: •••Block bytes received in this block. •••Timed out on start of header ' ' •••Got other: •••Got STX •••Got SOH •••Got EOT •••Transfer cancelled by sender. Transfer cancelled by sender. •••Got CAN •••Waiting for start of header for block C •••Sending start NAK Beginning file download... •••Beginning file download Download: [1030] Access Denied to Cancel. format? x XModem exit): ••File request complete. * Request complete. exit > Commands: Attached files: K n y file(s): Download ? •••Session aborted due to lack of disk space. Results: Requested files were attached to: ** File retrieval request results ** From: BulkRate † Re: *MailBox BulkRate incoming mailbox BulkRate incoming mailbox TEXTBulK downloaded successfully. File transfer complete. •••Successful file transfer. •••Checksum: Expected •••CRC: Expected •••Expected block compliment got •••Expected block number •••Disk error occured while writing file. ••• •••Disk full. •••Disk full or other file error: can't save transferred file. TEXTttxt Untitled •••Non-MacBinary file (Saved as TEXT) Modification date: Creation date: Res length: Data length: Type/Creator: Filename: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••Block 1 is a MacBinary header - BulkRate downloads download failed. •••File transfer aborted by BulkRate. File transfer aborted by BulkRate. Sent: Sending file: Error corrections: Received: File size: ???? Received: File size: Receiving file: Mailbox message deletion complete. exit from Mailbox... Deleting message y delete items in mailbox. folders. messages unread items Found: Messages, Unread item Home:MailBox: Mailbox Requesting mailbox header... Deleting messages from server mailbox... A timeout occured while requesting the file. There was no file attached to the requested message. Commands: Help, MORE] x Select protocol ('abort' to exit): attached files? N BulkRate cannot locate the message to which the file should be attached. •••Didn't find it. read Requesting file from message: •••Message number: Searching for message: BulkRate cannot locate the message to which the file should be attached or the server took too long to respond. Therefore, BulkRate cannot locate the original message. The search command appears to have been disabled on this BBS. search) files? conferences? Search: [1030] Access Denied File request: searching for subject: for: search home See the log and outgoing mail for more info. BulkRate cannot locate the conference the file should be in. A file request could not be processed. ! 9 0 File request: searching for conference: : Waiting for: ticks... Waiting Sending: Waiting for FirstClass prompt... Result: N R \ WAITFOR DELAY DISPLAY SEND invitations: beeps: : y conferences: n Open order: pref Adjusting FirstClass preference settings... An error occurred while setting prefs. Mail send was skipped. ••• •••Error setting FirstClass prefs... . ••Logged off logout yes Logging off... term du 128 0 sc on at ••Logged on to Log on successful! Sorry. You are not allowed to login with the command line interface [1049] already logged in new user? Bad user name [More] > Waiting for command prompt... word: Waiting for password prompt... ID: Item was corrupted. number: x •••File size: •••Filename: A This item is an uploaded file: to exit): y files? Press any key to continue. MORE] characters... Received All new messages received. Requesting conference list for: : Home incoming mailbox BulkRate incoming mailbox TEXTBulK BulkRate incoming mailbox Create incoming mailbox as: That file is not an incoming mailbox. incoming mailbox Select an incoming mailbox file: BulkRate outgoing mailbox TEXTBulK Create outgoing mailbox as: That file is not an outgoing mailbox. outgoing mailbox TEXT Select an outgoing mailbox file: Incoming mailbox and outgoing mailbox must be different files. TCP MODEM CONNVIA = SERVER = PASSWORD = USERID = PHONE = (Converted) true• Save settings as: SET2BulK Printer Port ATDP • untitled service untitled Mailbox Incoming mail Outgoing mail AT E1 V1 Q0 X4 ATDT Modem Port Home:BulkRateToRead Home closing BulkRate Preferences prefBulK Preferences 12:00 BulkRate address book 10 Point Geneva - via BulkRate 2.1 Unknown Waiting for Open Please Close Closing Established Opening Listening Closed .IPP .BIn .BOut Printer Port .AIn .AOut Modem Port Port list Thank you for registering BulkRate! Check both the user name and the registration code and try again. The registration code is invalid for that user name. P A untitled script Save script as: BRsc Choose a script to open: 248,0 BRscBulK , SETTSET2 Choose a service to add to this exchange: : 00 0 PM AM P A Mail exchange scheduled for : 00 0 PM AM _ @ ) ( > < untitled outgoing , Save address book as: That is not a valid address book file. Choose an address book file: Please choose another. That is not a valid address book file. TEXT Where is the address book? BulkRate address book It will be saved in the same folder as BulkRate. BulkRate cannot find the folder the address book file was in. TEXTBulK address book 128,220 v c x Click Out Click In … M1 Couldn't find menu ID ???? … No Menu: : ID# ID Preferences HELP???? Program Help Please name the help file. Help File Name No folders present : Empty List STR# Error not be marked as changed. The modified resource could CHANGERESOURCE failed. 0123456789 0123456789.- 0123456789- $&0123456789ABCDEF $-.0123456789() ) ( $ , ###,###,###.## AU AP MAY MAR JUL JUN JA / 9 1 0 gObjUserTp&: gWhichObjElem: gWhat: NULLEVT Key: location: _false _zTrue gInBackground: Drive # gDialogValue: / Key/Modifiers: Modifiers: gWhichField: gWhichWindow: / gClickStatus: gMouseX/Y: gButtonValue: gWhichButton: # gWhichItem: gWhichMenu: N/A gSubAction: _ gAction: None Caps Ctl Opt , Sh OTHERDISK FIELDACTIVATE WINDOWCLOSE MAINSTART MAINACTION Go Slow Step Cursor Events Null Timer Message Tracker FOND CANCEL Undo ! * 0 00 Message subject: Message to: : Sorry. Your message could not be delivered to ** Non-delivery Notification ** From: BulkRate † NDN: *MailBox BulkRate incoming mailbox BulkRate incoming mailbox TEXTBulK PM AM ATH OK +++ HELP.FLTR Topics.FLTR TEXT.FLTR GRFX.FLTR Progress.FLTR PICT.FLTR HFS Util.FLTR Keyboard Util.FLTR Print Util.FLTR ICN3.FLTR POP!.FLTR STR#.INCL Save document as… Untitled Document . Window You cannot open any more windows ERROR